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Presentation Contest

The Foundation for the Welfare and Education of the Asian People (FWEAP) hosts a presentation contest to provide settled refugees in Japan and young people of refugee origin with the opportunity to give presentations about what they have achieved through a wide variety of experiences and activities in Japan.

To participate in this contest, applicants need to pass a qualifying round, where teams of several members prepare presentation materials using photos, images, videos, and so forth on a given theme and go through a preliminary review with the materials.
In the contest, presenters give presentations to express their views while their materials are projected onto a screen. To rank the teams, judges evaluate the messages they have conveyed, their expressive ability, the structure of their presentation materials, and other aspects.

Although it is important for presenters to compete to win, this contest is also expected to contribute to improving the presenters’ Japanese language skills and presentation skills, while at the same time promoting friendship and mutual understanding between participants, as well as their further participation in Japanese society.
