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Information Dissemination in Refugees' Native Languages

The Foundation for the Welfare and Education of the Asian People (FWEAP) provides information about COVID-19 infections on its website and Facebook in plain Japanese and English as well as in Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian, and Burmese, which are main native languages of the settled refugees.

We started this project in March 2020 when the FWEAP began supporting settled refugees who were suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic. It was a response to complaints from refugee communities that much of the information related to COVID-19 provided by the Japanese national and local governments was too difficult to understand, because it was written in "difficult Japanese with many kanji characters."

Multilingual Information Sharing
For the refugees who do not understand written Japanese, FWEAP share important information from the government, local governments in their native language and Hiragana.

We have received many thanks from settled refugee communities for disseminating information in their native languages. The FWEAP plans to continue to provide up-to-date information in their native languages until the pandemic subsides. If there is any information or topics that you would like us to post on the FWEAP website, please contact the secretariat (
